quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2012


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O tópico  do 9o. Fórum de Discussão já foi criado. Todas as postagens irão ocorrer agora no moodle.

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segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012

LIVRO DIDÁTICO ON-LINE (para quem apostou que isso não seria possível)

O projeto Serra do Cipó foi desenvolvido pelos alunos da graduação da Faculdade de Letras da UFMG durante o curso de Material Development ministrado pela Professora Vera Menezes no primeiro semestre de 2005
Vale a pena dar uma conferida:

8th forum discussion (validade: 29 de maio a 5 de junho)

Read the text in the link below and explain what aspects must be taken into consideration when preparing resources and materials for English classes:

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

7th forum discussion (from 23rd to 29th May, 2012)

Read H. D. Brown's Chapter 6 (Teaching by Principles) and then do the activity below:

The critical period, or as it is called in a lot of the studies, the CP or CPH, which is just critical period hypothesis, is simply the idea that there is actually an age. A CPH is just a theory about at what age second language learning becomes more difficult.  Now try to explain how important is age in learning a second laguage.

sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2012

6th forum discussion (validade das postagens: de 18 a 22 de maio)

Is there a best method to teach a foreign language?
Read Prabhu's text in the lin below* and do the following activity:

Write at least 10 lines trying to explain why the author of the text states it categorically. Does not he show any kind of preference for any method/approach?

*You can find the article here: http://neltachoutari.pbworks.com/f/There+is+no+best+method.pdf

sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

5th forum discussion (validade das postagens: de 12/05/12 a 15/05/12)

According to the main foundational 12 Principles of language pedagogy presented in H. D. Brown's Chapter 4, which three principles out of the twelve discussed by the author would you prioritize in your teaching? Explain the reasons for each one of them.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

4th forum discussion

Read the article on this link http://gouinseries.com/ (Gouin's Method) and compare it to the Audiolingual Method. What are their similarities and differences?

Gouin, F. (1892) The art of teaching and studying languages (trans. H. Swan & V. Bétis). London: George Philip & Son (Original work published 1880.)